Tuesday 28 February 2012

What inspires me as a writer.

A subject which is often at the forefront of my mind when I write is nature. As a toddler I was a huge fan of the film, The Lion King, and I don't remember a time when there weren't animal tracker books on my shelf. At the age of seven I was given my first Wildlife Encyclopaedia and I took on the challenge of reading the whole thing over Christmas. Even now when I see an animal, images and facts from the book return to me. I find that the subject of nature and other subjects such as history, literature, music, art and pop culture which interested me at a young age have given me a particular eye to seek them out and a drive to explore them further.
I find the books I enjoy provide a sense of involvement, thrillers, action, and Gothic romance/mystery. I feel that I am on the same journey as the protagonist and I am learning and gaining a sense of fulfilment by the end. Also if there is a hook or a cliff hanger/missing piece in any form of art I have to pursue the subject further. I love an unsolved mystery.
People in society inspire me, when I see that the selfless act of one person can make a huge change for the better; Artists, peace protesters, charity workers and everyday people who make a difference.
And finally dreams, I keep a dream diary which inspires the yearnings and the insecurities in the characters I write.



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Art: Richard Long, Rolf harris, Banksy, Jenny Saville and Judy Chicago.

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